David: Character


Pastor Hope Flask

January 26, 2025

Main Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:1-13

Additional Scriptures: Galatians 5:22-25, Matthew 6:22-23


  • Our lives will not thrive based on what is happening externally, but internally.

  • Unconcious Bias: a prejudice or stereotype individuals hold about certain groups of people that they aren't consciously aware of.

  • Main factors for judging others and ourselves based on externals is technology and a lack of moral absolutes.

  • We compare ourselves to images in ways that people 200 years ago never did.

  • Our lack of moral absolutes, along with our unconscious biases formed from an overabundance of images, is devastating our culture.

  • Pornography, deeply trains the heart to look at the externals.

  • The Bible says that every heart has the seeds of sin, and those seeds grow in our hearts if we water them.

  • When judging others and ourselves we must take the attitude of “But by the grace of God, go I”.

  • We must allow the Holy Spirit to change our character to match His.

  • What you see is what you shine.

  • We must check our unconscious biases of others and ourselves with God’s grace and His word.

  • We must hear God say “I recognize you”.


David: Courage


David: Self-Deception