Outside the walls online campus
Outside The Walls church and ministries invites you to join our online campus. This campus is designed to deepen our devotion to God and to one another through DAILY Kingdom Community.
What People Are Saying
“OTW online campus pages keep extending outreach, communication and encouragement to and from people I have never met, but yet have at least one thing In common, and that is our love for Christ. Thank you guys for all that you do and for stepping out and following God’s call on your life!”
— Karri Penner
“the online campus has helped me to step out of my comfort zone and also is a great place to be able to go to help you get centered on Christ THROUGHOUT your day.”
— Charity Chastain
“The online campus is a place to learn more about the word, get encouragement, pray for people, and be prayed for if needed.”
— Robin Dicks
“The online campus has ministered to me in so many ways. It encourages me on my journey by challenging me to read the Bible, pray more, be prayed for, to love on each other. Also it is a fun!”
— Stephanie Shellenbarger