Pride in Babylon
Main Scripture: Daniel 4
Additional Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 4:7, Romans 12:15, Philippians 2:3-4, 2 Corinthians 6:11-13
No matter how accomplished we think we are or will be, no matter how content or prosperous we think we are, it’s never enough.
Do you recognize the merciful messengers that God has sent you to help you turn from pride?
Godfidence is confidence in who you are, because you know Whose you are.
We should be Godfidence builders! (OTW Core Value)
Pride is self-owedness -“what about me?” (Timothy Keller)
Victim mentality: you see our life in LACK, subsequently you feel picked on and powerless.
Pride is cosmic plagiarism because you’ve made yourself the author of the cosmic story. (Timothy Keller)
Humility looks at everything as a gift and is always rejoicing before the Lord.
Pride defaces humanity. It dehumanizes others so that we feel superior to them.
Pride makes us like an animal because we are unable to empathize with others.
Humility shows itself through empathy, consideration, and vulnerability.
We practice Godfidence by confessing to God that we are cosmic plagiarists, turning from that belief through worship, and turning towards His love