
Revelation: The Throne Rom

Pastor Hope Flask

Main Scripture: Revelation 4-5
Additional Scriptures: Psalm 19:1-4, Romans 8:19-21

The essence of our ultimate reality is worship.
In the Spiritual Reality, everything praises the Lord, and all things are seen rightly around His throne.
When someone looks at us are they astounded by the beauty of our character because we are being and doing what we are meant to be and do? If not, then we are not worshipping God with all that we are.
Everyone will worship something.
We orient our lives around what we worship.
Worthy - the English word worship comes from the old English word worth-ship. We are ascribing to Jesus what He is worth.
Has your life been oriented around Jesus?
A broken theology in worship is when it’s all about you or it’s all about me, instead of it’s all about Jesus.
The ultimate sign of a true worshipper is surrender.
We must allow the ultimate reality of worship to knock us off our baby thrones and orient our lives around the throne of God - then we will have the courage to face anything.


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