
Revelation: Faithfully Fervent


Faithfully fervent

Pastor Hope Flask

June 9, 2024

Main Scripture: Revelation 3:14-22

Additional Scriptures: Revelation 2-3, Matthew 19:24, Isaiah 58:2-4, 6-7


  • The Nicene Creed outlines the primary tenets of the Christian faith.

  • Secondary doctrines are important and should be weighed, however, they should not cause division in the church.

  • When we don’t know our history we allow culture to not only divide the church but define the church.

  • Satan comes against the church by tempting us to divorce the Word of God from the Heart of God, leading to self-righteousness.

  • The sickness of spiritual lukewarmness is seen in our lack of zealousness for God - His heart and His Word.

  • A lukewarm Christian is not a hypocrite, they believe and do what the Word says, but there is no passion or wonder in their walk with God.

  • A lukewarm Christian refuses to take correction and come under authority.

  • A lukewarm Christian is farther from God than an unbeliever.

  • There is a direct correlation between lukewarmness and success.

  • We live in Ladiocea.

  • To heal our hearts we must take the medicine given by Jesus, receive His righteousness, allow suffering to refine us into His image, and open our eyes to see ourselves, others, and Him through a Kingdom lens.


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