
Revelation: A letter of courage


A Letter of Courage

Pastor Hope Flask

June 2, 2024

Main Scripture: Revelation 1:1-8

Additional Scriptures: Revelation 12:1-5, Matthew 7:14, Hebrews 5:11-14, Romans 8:28-30


  • Revelation is a letter about courage.

  • The letter of Revelation cannot mean for us what it didn’t mean for those to whom the letter was originally written.

  • Revelation should not be read linearly, but like looking through windows.

  • Apocoloyptic: to unveil or disclose.

  • Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega.

  • Jesus should be our Alpha point, and all of our thinking should begin with Him.

  • Our Alpha point defines us.

  • We cannot know ourselves if we have an Alpha point that differs from Jesus.

  • Jesus is the Omega, everything fits in Him and is oriented towards Him.

  • There are two ways in which we approach God - we either make Him the means and something else the end or make Him the end and everything else the means.

  • The Omega points of our lives are the non-negotiables, where we say “If I don’t have that, it’s all pointless”.

  • Real Christianity is the restructuring of your Omega point.

  • Jesus is the Middle, working everything together for our good.


Revelation: Faithfully Fervent