
Fear Not: Attached to the Love of God


Attached to the Love of God

Pastor Hope Flask

May 12, 2024

Main Scripture: Isaiah 49:8-16

Additional Scriptures: Proverbs 13:12, 1 John 4:18


  • Salvation = Attachment.

  • HESED: Attachment form of love.

  • When we think our help, salvation, or attachment has been put off for a later date our heart gets sick.

  • We can live in the truth of what we believe about God, but not feel any less fearful.

  • When what we believe about God has only transformed our minds, but not our hearts, we will attach our self-acceptance and love to other sources - those other sources become idols.

  • What looks like God’s temple in ruins is actually the temple that we’ve built for our idols.

  • A mother cannot forget her newborn physically or emotionally.

  • A mother will forget, but God will never forget.

  • A NO from God will feel like punishment, but God gives us a different narrative and it is our Salvation story in Jesus.

  • Our names are engraved on Jesus’ hands with a spike. Like Thomas, God offers us the opportunity to prove His love's depth when we feel forsaken.



Fear Not: Mending Broken Attachments


Fear Not: Breaking Down the Walls Between Me, We, & Thee