
Fear Not: Breaking Down the Walls Between Me, We, & Thee


Breaking Down The Walls Between Me, We, And Thee

Pastor Hope Flask

May 5, 2024

Main Scripture: Joshua 6:1-5

Additional Scriptures: Ephesians 2:13-16, Joshua 5:9, 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 (MSG), James 1:2-4


  • Narratives: The story we tell ourselves about “why” something has happened.

  • We all have broken narratives that we believe. Some have been given to us and some have been passed down to us.

  • Our “Broken reason why” narratives inform our “No reason why” narratives.

  • FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real

  • Our first battle in our Promised Land will be to break down the walls of the broken narratives we believe about God, others, and ourselves.

  • We break down the walls between me, we, and Thee by:

  • Marching by faith: believing God’s narrative over the broken narratives of our past - God has rolled that reproach away.

  • Together: Our walls of broken narratives were not formed alone, therefore, they cannot be broken down alone.

  • & We Don’t Stop Short: We keep marching together until the walls fall.


Fear Not: Attached to the Love of God


Fear Not: And If Not (Pastor Mitch Boese)