
Revelation: Happily Ever After

Main Scripture: Revelation 21-22

Additional Scriptures: Matthew 3:2, Genesis 3:17, 2 Corinthians 4:16, 1 Corinthians 15:19-20


  • Overview of Revelation:

    • The Alpha & Omega

    • Letters to the churches

    • Window 1: The Throneroom

    • Window 2: The Four Horsemen & the Seven Seals

    • Window 3: The Cosmic War (The Dragon, Beasts, & Babylon vs Jesus, His angels, and His Church)

    • Window 4: The Final Story (Happily Ever After)

  • The Kingdom of God is the Heart of God.

  • We are in the “Already, but not yet” Kingdom of God.

  • In the New City of God, the old order of things will pass away.

  • There will no longer be any toil in our work.

  • There will be no more sickness or death.

  • We are in our “Already, but not yet” bodies.

  • Jesus is our example of a new heavenly body.

  • Our new bodies will resemble our souls.

  • We should be asking God to reveal who He is making people into so that we can pray into that.

  • We are a part of a story that never ends.

  • Which reality are you going to live in today?


Revelation: The Song of the Prostitute