
Revelation: The Song of the Prostitute

The Song of the Prostitute

Pastor Hope Flask

July 21, 2024

Main Scripture: Revelation 17-19

Additional Scriptures: 2 Timothy 2:4, Hebrews 12:1, Ephesians 6:10-12, Revelation 13:1, Genesis 11:4, Philippians 4:12-13, James 3:17-18


  • The Prostitute represents what humankind builds in rebellion against God and she looks good.

  • The revelation of the Prostitute’s Song is a warning for the church!

  • She promises power, comfort, wealth, and living your best life now, but it’s an illusion, she cannot deliver on those promises.

  • The Prostitute’s Bait:

  • Performance - “Your value is found in what you do”

  • Sensuality - She gives us all access to pornography, creating an even greater insatiable hunger for more.

  • Offense - Drives social media algorithms to promote our opinions without accountability for the harm caused to others.

  • Some of us have a flea problem! Demons are sucking the life out of us and they are multiplying.

  • Steps to getting rid of the demonic fleas: Recognize the sin that entangles, break agreement with it, mark your mind with the ideology of the Kingdom of Heaven, and then tell those demons to go straight to hell, in Jesus’ name (Repentance).

  • The prostitute is defeated and Christians are called to feast and worship Jesus because we know the victory is coming.

Building a Kingdom Community where the Poor, Captive, Broken, and Oppressed find a future and a hope in Jesus Christ, our Victor!


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