
Revelation: The Cosmic Battle


The Cosmic War

Pastor Hope Flask

July 14, 2024

Main Scripture: Revelation 12 - 14

Additional Scriptures: Genesis 3, 37, John 16:33, Hebrews 2:14-15


  • Satan is a dragon with borrowed authority (7 heads) and incredible strength (10 horns).

  • Woe’s: things that are causing the earth great sorrow, distress, and trouble.

  • Scheme #1: Accusation.

  • He is a musician without an instrument and always looks for a string to play in us through accusation.

  • He attacks our identity through accusation.

  • He plays us a song of accusation to lull us to sleep.

  • Scheme #2: Lies through false doctrine

  • Scheme #3: Death

  • He wants us to love our lives so much that we shrink from death, so he tempts us with “I don’t feel like it’s”

  • Two beasts: dragon manipulated power and dragon manipulated religious power in institutions.

  • 3 Angels: Angel 1, heralds God’s Kingdom along with the people of God, Angel 2 gives humanity a warning to wake up, and Angel 3 tells of God’s wrath.

  • 666: Complete incompleteness

  • The mark of the beast is when we agree with satan’s accusations and put those accusations into practice.

  • We fight the dragon and beast with faithful endurance and a passionate pursuit of holiness.



Revelation: The Song of the Prostitute


Revelation: The Seven Trumpets