
Revelation: The Four Horseman


The Four Horsemen

Pastor Hope Flask

June 30, 2024

Main Scripture: Revelation 6-7

Additional Scriptures: Matthew 24:4-5,12-13, 2 Timothy 3:5, 1John 4:2-3, James 1:20, Hebrews 13:5, Galatians 5:19-21


  • The Four Horsemen: the major players in the suffering, pain, and death of humankind.

  • The White Horse: the Antichrist.

  • Outside the church, this will look like many ways to salvation, religious pluralism, and self-care spirituality combined with crusading political activism.

  • Inside the church, this will look like bad and politically driven teaching that Americanizes Jesus as well a commercialized Jesus that waters down the gospel.

  • The Red Horse: the horse of war that appeals to the rage hidden underneath the surface that we haven’t dealt with.

  • The Black Horse: is a famine of the soul, meant to take from the world what people need and leave for them the luxuries that they do not need.

  • The people of God are called to contentment, elevating the fruit of the Spirit over the luxuries of this world.

  • The Pale Horse: bringing physical and spiritual diseases leading to death.

  • Everywhere the world tells us to look for hope, is hiding in the face of these horses, wanting the mountains to fall on them.

  • Christians are the only ones who can stand and sing in the face of these riders because they are sealed by the Spirit of God.


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