THR!VE: The Gifts of the Spirit, PT 1
November 12, 2023
Main Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
Additional Scriptures: Revelation 3:20, Ephesians 4:16, James 3:17, 1 John 5:14-15, Proverbs 30:6, Acts 16:17-18
Charisms: Gifts of special, divine, empowerment, bestowed on each believer by the Holy Spirit to accomplish His mission (spiritual gifts).
No one outside of our Savior knows everything there is to know about the working of spiritual gifts.
Spiritual gifts should be handled with humility.
Word of Wisdom (Revelation): A Spirit-revealed insight that allows a person to speak godly instructions for solving a problem. Or a Spirit-Revealed insight that allows a person to explain the central mysteries of the Christian faith.
We must be filtered through James 3:17 and ask God if we can share it.
Word of Knowledge (Revelation): The ability to understand scripture truth, through the illumination of the Holy Spirit, and speak it out to edify the body. Or a supernatural knowledge of facts that does not come through study, research, experience, or any human means.
Involves a great deal of listening.
Do not add to the revelation.
Discernment of spirits (Revelation): A revelation from the Holy Spirit about the source of a particular thought, word, or action—whether it originates from the Holy Spirit, from a demonic spirit, or the human spirit.
We can discern or reveal, but we are not to judge.
Revelation gifts cause great controversy in the church because we may not be hearing from God or we confuse God’s voice with satan or our flesh.
Application for revelation gifts:
Read/study/memorize scripture.
Share a scripture and how it ministered to you.
Journal what you believe you are hearing from the Lord and ask Him if you can share it.
Do it! Be brave and teachable.